jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

Social Media Revolution

The statistical data showing how fast the social media has been growing blew my mind away. Never in the past would they have imagined getting so many people together in something as remote as a social network. The net is probably the largest place from which we can learn stuff there's not one single piece of writing that you can't find, and yet the most visited sites are pornographic ones. I imagine that if people in the past knew how many things we can have at the stretch of our hand they would think that the world would be such a better place and yet I don't think it is. We humans have found a way to take this technology and not exploit it in the areas that real profit can be gained from.
It has always seemed more logical that a teacher facing the student in person would be able to teach him more than a computer program would, but things are beginning to change and according to studies the computers are now beating the teachers. This idea makes the question of computers being more intelligent than humans pop to my head. Everyday that passes makes me reflect and actually believe that the ideas like: I, robot, The Matrix, Surrogates and more are actually very possible.
You-tube, what an amazing web page it's actually the closest thing to ending boredom in the world. Lately I have been accesing the page more and more it seems better to look for information by someone telling and explaining it to you rather than reading it, and of course for the sports, funny and musical videos. Through you-tube I was able to study for my AP economics exam and I actually found it very helpful. Another page that I have been using a lot is Wikipedia I have actually always found what I was looking for and for me it has been easy to understand explanations, and it's very useful to have everything in categories. News has never traveled so fast before and the use of newspaper is becoming less popular everyday.

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