jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010

The products that are being created now a days have unimaginable technological potential. This product gives us access to new things plus it includes great advantages that we have now a days. When the video started I wasn't that amazed because I couldn't imagine how the things he introduces could be put together to form such an amazing machine. Indeed the future will be far different than what I have always imagined because things like this invention weren't included in my perspective of the future.

Although I like technology and believe it has been a great determinant in human evolution I believe we also have to be aware of its dangers. Like in the movie "I Robot" people have become so dependent on technology that they can't do anything by themselves, not only that but maybe one day technology will out run us. We have always thought of that idea as to far in the future as to even consider it but after seeing this video and how fast the human being is progressing I don't believe it to be further than 100 years away.

The fact that the product will be open source can be either considered a positive or negative. Technological inventions have to be used wisely and not everyone is able to do that. If inventions like these are available to everyone life in society will be funner and even more interesting but somehow it scares me just to think of it, I would say I'm rather a more simple guy that would like all technological investigations headed toward saving the environment cause if we don't we won't even have a place to use all this TOYS that we are creating.

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